This very special room on the third story peak offers a crows-eye view of the neighborhood’s serenity. Whether watching blue herons, horses, or deer from the wonderful window seats, you know you are on top of it all. A private violet bath, unique with dormer and window seat enhance this getaway.
The hideaway at the top of the home proudly states the VIOLET ROOM. This room is named for Beth's mother, Elva Mae Harton of Park Forest, Illinois. She chose the violet because of her love for the state in which she lives and the color purple. Elva's bedroom at home is covered with violets, lilacs, and the frills of a delicate woman.
Elva was born in LaVeta, Colorado and is the eldest of two daughters of Grant and Flora Gleyre. Elva's mother left Elva's world when she was only two years old. She was raised by her father, and later, her stepmother, Ester. Elva married James Harton from the Virginia-North Carolina area in 1944, and moved first to North Carolina. Then business took them to the Chicago area. Their first born, James Jr. (Bud) was born in Charlotte, then Beth was born in Denver, Colorado, and the youngest, Robert, was born in Chicago. They have kept the same home in Park Forest, and Elva now has five granddaughters, three grandsons, three great granddaughters and one great grandson.
Elva is a very strong woman who can tell you stories that will keep you laughing for days. No challenge is too great for her--at the age of 65, she took up roller blading, biplaning, level five white watering. At age 84, she jumped out of an airplane and will be flying a bi-plane in August, 2015 to celebrate her 91st birthday. She is amazing and we are proud to honor her with this room and a little bit of her history.
We Love You Mom!!

"Violet Room dedicated to Mom seen here at age 84 skydiving!"
* Discounts given for showing AARP, AAA, Senior and Military identification